Say 'I Do' to Style: Your Wedding Attire Dos & Don'ts

Your guide to effortless wedding guest style

Wedding season is upon us, and you know what that means – it's time to dust off those killer outfits and get ready to celebrate in style!

It’s not always easy to determine what’s appropriate for every wedding. The invite might say Formal but then the venue is outdoors in the country under a tent. Figuring out what to wear and the appropriate shoes can be super stressful. As your personal stylist extraordinaire, I'm here to ensure you turn heads for all the right reasons. So grab your champagne flute and let's dive into the dos and don'ts of wedding attire, with a little focus on footwear flair!

The Dos & Don’ts

1. Dress the Part:

Pay attention to the dress code specified on the invitation. Whether it's black tie, cocktail, or casual chic, make sure your outfit aligns with the vibe of the wedding. Try to avoid overly revealing outfits. It may be best to keep that dress with all the cutouts that hits at mid-thigh for a girls night out. If you aren’t sure how to interpret the dress-code, then ask the bride-to-be for a little clarity to make sure you are nailing your look and that it’s appropriate for the venue.

wedding guests

2. Opt For Elegance:

Leave your jeans, sneakers, and overly casual attire at home. Even for a beach wedding, there's a fine line between laid-back and sloppy. Choose outfits that are classy and sophisticated. Think flowy dresses, tailored suits, and chic separates that scream 'effortlessly chic. Weddings are a time to have a little fun with your wardrobe and dress up. Rock a pop of color and an elegant outfit you may not usually wear to the office. (Stay tuned for my upcoming newsletters with ideas on how to dress for these more casual atmospheres.)

3. Gents! Mind the Length:

You may not have the issue of showing off too much leg, but check the hems of your trousers prior to the events. Nothing can make a suit look more sloppy than a pants hem pooling at the shoes. It’s an easy and inexpensive alteration to hem your pants to the appropriate length. You can even do it yourself for special hem tapes!

4. Accessorize with Flair:

Elevate your look with statement accessories like bold jewelry, stylish hats, or a dapper pocket square. Have multiple weddings coming up and don’t want to spend a fortune on multiple outfits? Accessories are your secret weapon to take your outfit from drab to fab! You can swap out the accessories for the same outfit to create newness and a different look.

5. Keep it Comfortable:

When it comes to footwear, opt for comfortable yet stylish options. Classic pumps, sleek loafers, or elegant flats are perfect choices to dance the night away without sacrificing style. Steer clear of sky-high heels or shoes that pinch. You don't want to be hobbling around with sore feet before the cake is even cut! keep in mind the location and surfaces you will be walking on. You wouldn’t want to wear stilettos when the wedding is hosted on a grassy surface. If you want to start your night with those badass shoes, but know your feet won't last, I always say to pack a pair of flats in your purse for when the dance floor gets going. At my wedding I told guests to get stylishly creative since there would be gravel and grass, and one guest opted for fun gold converse. Keep in mind, that guest asked me if they would be appropriate.

6. Layer Smartly:

For outdoor weddings or cooler evenings, layer up with stylish jackets or wraps that complement your outfit while keeping you cozy. I always recommend taking an item to layer with because you never know when the ballroom’s AC is going to be at setting “arctic cold”

7. Don't Steal the Spotlight:

I feel this goes without saying but…

avoid wearing any type white or anything that could overshadow the bride.

Remember, it’s not about you. It's her special day!


Weddings are the perfect opportunity to showcase your style prowess while celebrating love and joy. So, dance like nobody's watching, and let your fashion sense shine brighter than the disco ball!

Feeling a bit overwhelmed by the style options or need some extra guidance to find the perfect wedding guest look? Fear not! My styling services are at your disposal. Whether you need a full wardrobe makeover or just a little nudge in the right direction, I'm here to make sure you look and feel absolutely fabulous. Simply reach out to me to book your personalized styling session (link below including custom suiting options for the gents).

Stay fabulous!

KLV Styling - Wardrobe Stylist


Travel Light Without Sacrificing Style


Cocktail Elegance and Unraveling Black Tie Optional