Millenials, I’m Coming For Your Ankle Socks

Did you just get a bit defensive at the mere mention of ankle socks? Or maybe you’re relieved that someone’s finally addressing this hot-button topic? Either way, buckle up, because it’s time to chat about the style trends dominating TikTok and Instagram that make us millennials (myself included) feel like we’re officially “old” and losing our grip on what’s trendy.

As a personal stylist I tend to see trends entering the zeitgeist before some others, but I trust you’re already aware of the great ankle socks vs. crew socks debate. But in case you’ve been living an admirable life abstaining from social media, Gen-Z has found another way to remind us millennials that we’re “old” — and it’s all about where your socks land on your ankles.

As a millennial, I’ll admit I’ve felt that panic of falling off the style zeitgeist train. Heck, I’m sure I’ve already used words in this post that betray my age and generational allegiance. Words that are “cheugy”. Too much?

When I first saw the videos calling out ankle socks on people 30+, I laughed. Then I remembered a few years back when we millennials were roasted for our side parts, being told that center parts were actually in. I felt a twinge of annoyance — I mean, I grew up with a center part, but when the side part trend hit, I was hooked. It framed my face perfectly. But I won’t lie, I caved and switched to a center part and I don’t hate it. Just means I have another hair style in my repertoire.

Societal pressure is no joke. With social media, it’s hitting us faster and more frequently. No one wants to feel old, look old, or be told they’ve lost their grip on trends. These pressures have always existed, but as millennials, we relied on all our style cues from magazines and celebrities. Especially for those of us in tiny country towns.

With the rise of social media, trendsetting has been democratized. Now, we take cues not just from celebrities but from influencers. I do love this shift because I can follow people with similar body shapes to mine and see how they dress. I finally feel included in the style conversation.

But something has shifted. Generation wars have become more prominent. Boomers, Gen X, Millennials, Gen Z — we’re all picking on each other. It can be funny and painfully true at times, but it’s starting to get ridiculous. I’m not here for style-bullying. Millennials have fought hard against being told what’s appropriate and what’s not. We were policed on skirt lengths and tank top straps. Now, we’re feeling we need to adjust our style because another group says so?

This is the wrong approach, folks. Style is personal. Just because cherry red is in style doesn’t mean you have to wear it. The same goes for your sock lengths.

Do you know why some people pull off certain trends and styles? It’s because they’re confident in what they’re wearing and don’t care what the haters say. They know their clothes make them feel great and authentic.

So no, I’m not changing my entire style to accommodate what others suddenly declare unstylish. I like wearing ankle socks. I like not having a sock tan on my legs. But I’m also open to trying new things. If I see an outfit that feels like me but is a bit outside my comfort zone, I’ll give it a shot. It helps me expand my expression and keeps me open to new experiences.

As a professional stylist, who’s job is literally to know what is in and out, what’s my final word on the ankle sock vs crew sock battle?

Don’t let people of any age, status or generation bully you to change who you are and how you express that via style. 

Keep in mind many trends are just that — trends. But if you want to try something new, go for it! And if that means still wearing your ankle socks every day, then own it!

Keep owning your style and doing it with confidence!

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